Industrialization has brought within is wake several problems and one such problem. are industrial accidents. Industrial hazards – mechanical, electrical, chemical, Construction Fire and radiation hazards – have increased manifold in the recent past. Several industry accidents take place every year and lakhs of employees are killed or disable in these accidents. These accidents represent a social loss of great magnitude in the form of pain and suffering to the victims of accidents besides loss of earnings. To the management] cost of accidents are the direct costs in the form of medical expenses, disablement benefit (compensation) to the injured or their families and production loss due to interference caused by accidents. It has been estimated that indirect costs of accidents. It has been estimated that indirect costs of accidents (cost to employer) is roughly four times the direct costs (cost to the employees). In view of social and economic losses, it is essential that every management takes keen interest in the safety of their employees. Ever} management must have right attitudes towards accidents and not merely regard accident as mishaps. Accidents are not just accidental but avoidable. They can be prevented by right attitude on the part of management (eliminating unsafe conditions) and proper training of employees (eliminating unsafe acts).

 Accident Causes and Occurrence

                        Industrial work is full of hazards. It is necessary to take precautions with a view to ensure safety of the plants, machinery and the human beings, accidents in industry are very costly. Injuries to the workers cannot be compensated.

An accident may lead to:

·         Injury or death of a worker.

·         Damage to the plant and equipment.

·         Disruption of production schedules.

·         Lowers morale of personnel.

·         Prolonged absence of trained worker for treatment.

Accident may occur due to:

·         Human Error. 88% accidents are caused due to UNSAFE PRACTICE, lack of foresight, wrong attitude etc.

·         Mechanical Failure. 10% accidents are caused due to plant condition, equipment or tool failure.

·         Acts of Nature. Only 2% accidents are caused due to weather, flood or cyclone. It is necessary to eliminate unsafe acts and unsafe conditions to avoid accident. Safety can be defined as freedom from those conditions that can cause injury/ death to person or damage to equipment or property and loss to the Environment.

 Safety is important because:

·         Accidents cause pain and suffering

·         Accidents are costly.

·         Accidents lower morale and decrease productivity

·         Accidents reflect poorly on the management

·         Cost of prevention of accidents is lower than cost of handling them (after they have occurred)

 Safety organization and policy

1.      The company shall have a safety organization to coordinate, monitor, promote and enhance the safety & occupational health activities of the plant and other units.       

2.      The Safety Department will be manned by professionally qualified persons as perm the statutory provisions.

3.      The Safety Department shall have the following functions:

·         Accident prevention, control, reporting and analysis.

·         Safety promotional activities to create a climate conducive I safety consciousness, cultivation of safety culture and safe working habits among all employees.

·         To organize programmed for training and education on safety and occupational health.

·         To ensure use of appropriate personal protective equipment’s by the employees.

·         Lateral coordination and liaison with occupational health services, environmental management, fire services and statutory authorities.

·         Maintenance, up-keep and availability of safety appliances.

·         Research and development in the field of safety.

Collect, compile and report all information and statistics pertaining to safety and accidents, regularly and in time to the Management

·         Establish and maintain good standard for safety of the people, the processes and the assets.

·         Comply with all Rules and Regulations on Safety, Occupational Health and Environmental Protection.

·         Plan, design, operate and maintain all facilities, processes and procedures to secure sustained Safety, health and Environmental Protection.

·         Remain trained, equipped and ready for effective and prompt response to accidents and emergencies.

·         Welcome audit of our S, H & E conduct by external body, so that stakeholder

confidence is safeguard.

·         Adopt and promote industry best practices to avert accidents and improve our S, H & E performance.

·         Remain committed to be a leader in Safety, Occupational Health and Environment Protection through continuing improvement.

·         Make efforts to preserve ecological balance and heritage.

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